Student Enrollment

Welcome to the Regional School District 8’s Student Enrollment  

Regional School District 8 uses an online enrollment process. For a student to start school, all required documentation must be provided. All registration paperwork must be completed by a Legal Parent/Guardian
There are 4 steps in the enrollment process…please read all four steps prior to clicking the registration link!

Step 1: Please use the following link to complete the registration form. Please note that you will need to provide a valid email address on the form in order to proceed with the enrollment process.

Registration Form Link

Step 2 Regional School District 8 requires Proof of Residency. Please email your residency document to the school counseling office contact where your child will attend:

Middle School - [email protected] (860-228-9423 x4704) 

High School - [email protected] (860-228-9474 x3435)


  • Current Utility Bill, 
  • Current Rental Agreement, Mortgage, property tax record, rent receipt, homeowners insurance. 
  • Purchase Sale Agreement. If a family has a Purchase and Sales Agreement and wants to enroll student(s) prior to the property closing, they are agreeing to the following policy: Regional School District No. 8 will require proof of closing on the residential property within a week of the closing date stated on the Purchase and Sales Agreement. Otherwise, the parent/guardian will be charged the non-resident tuition fee for the time the student has been enrolled. If the date of the closing changes, it will be at the discretion of the Superintendent to amend the agreement. 
  • Current driver's license, automobile registration, automobile insurance. *If License has a change of address sticker, another form of proof of residency must be provided. 

If the parent/legal guardian is unable to provide a residency document in their own name, please submit the completed RESIDENCY AFFIDAVIT form to include a proof of residency document in the host's name. *Please note, although we will initially accept the Residency Affidavit via email at time of registration, you must also submit the original copy to us.*

Step 3: Please have a legally qualified practitioner of medicine fill out the CT Health Assessment Records Form and return to the appropriate nurse's office.


Middle School - [email protected] or fax to: 860-228-5316

High School - [email protected] or fax to: 860-786-1785

Step 4: Once Region 8 has received and approved your completed registration form AND Proof of Residency, you will receive an email with the instructions to complete the enrollment.

Regional School District 8 is committed to ensuring that every child residing within the school district is enrolled in school, including children who are homeless, have recently immigrated from other countries, and/or speak limited English.  If a child is living in temporary housing, such as a shelter or motel, is doubling up with friends or relatives, or otherwise does not have a fixed, adequate, regular night time address, the child may meet the definition of “homeless” and be entitled to certain rights under the McKinney-Vento Act.  If you believe this applies to your child please Christine Hartwig, Regional School District 8.
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